Monday 16 February 2009

On trend.

This point of reference was sourced from MIX INTERIOR(S) current trend book// fantastic. And reassures me that this work is relevant.

Wednesday 4 February 2009

Watch out.

Potential thieves are IN DISGUISE. They look so different, so cunning - and now, THEY HAVE PROPS; spectacles, bonnets and varied costumes. ENDLESS.

Tuesday 3 February 2009


It actually happens.

Today - An Australian traveller was caught with two live pigeons stuffed down his trousers following a trip to the Middle East.

Watch your bags.

Case of the opportunist thief. If they see something they might like/// they take.

Making Henry steal.... from the flat.

What happens when this...

Gets put into this...

Henry! How dare you.

Something was there.

Visual exploration of missing// items which have been stolen, taken or borrowed. What is left behind? 

Visual delight.

Security tag options = endless. Digital Print, laser cutting, 3d moulding. WOW.

Monday 2 February 2009

Hello snow clues.

Footprints on a snow covered path4:01pm UK, Monday February 02, 2009

A suspected burglar has been arrested after police followed footprints in the snow from the scene of a break-in.